Remarkable Quality of Lotus Notes to Word Converter

Export NSF File to MS Word

Export NSF File to MS Word

With the help of Lotus Notes to MS Word Exporter, a user is permitted to save all emails stored in NSF file into DOC format. A user can create a single Word file (.doc) for separate NSF file email of Lotus Notes. Using this tool, it is possible to export emails from all folders such as Inbox, Drafts, Junk Mail, Sent Items, etc.

Convert NSF to Microsoft Word

Scan & Display Lotus Notes Emails

After adding the NSF file, the Lotus Notes to Word Converter software starts scanning the NSF file and display all the emails found in different folders. The tool first performs a quick scan on the entire NSF file and list all its folders having emails in it such as Inbox, Junk Mail, Drafts, Outbox, etc.

preview attributes

Preview NSF Emails with Attributes

As the NSF file scanning completes, the tool provides an instant preview of email. The complete email folders will get displayed and the software list all items present within it after selecting any of the folders. Apart from this, a user can view each email present in any folder along with its associated attributes such as To, email id, from, its size in KB and subject of the mail.

export selective folders

Option to Export Selective Emails

After scanning NSF file emails from different folders into Word file, the tool provides users an option to check or uncheck the desired folder that he/she wants to export. This way, a user can save only desired emails from any preferred mail folder into MS Word format. If no choice is made, by default, it exports all email folders.

save selective mails

Maintain Original Formatting of Emails

A unique feature rendered by the Lotus Notes to Word Migrator is that it maintains the originality of emails being exported into Word file format. The tool maintains all information associated with an email such as To, Bcc, Cc, email addresses, inline images the hyperlinks, and another formatting intact. There is no change in original data from email.

summary report

Display Ongoing Conversion Progress

While exporting emails from Lotus Notes NSF file to DOCX format, the software display the ongoing export report. One can view all details such as the name of email folder from which emails are converting, the number of emails found in the folder, the subject of mail, and the current emails being exported.

Pricing of Lotus Notes to MS Word Converter

Find Out the different licenses and their pricing accordingly.

Features Corporate License Technical License Enterprise License
Add NSF File
Scan & Restore Emails
Preview All items & Attributes
Support Windows 10 Version
View Convert Progress Report
Export Notes Emails to Word DOC/DOCX
Retains All Metadata Information
No. of Users 05 100 500
Cost $69 $399 $899
Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now

Know How to Convert Lotus Notes NSF to MS Word (DOC) File

First of all, install and open NSF to Word Converter application on the system

After that, click on Browse option to upload NSF file that you want to export

Choose the NSF file of your choice and click on Open button

To begin scanning Notes Database file, click on Start Scan option

As scanning completes, click on OK to continue

After checking the items that you want to export, click on Start Conversion button to continue the process

Now, select the destination folder to save the exported file and click on OK button

Next, click on Export Emails to Word Document button

A current progress report is displayed on the screen. When the export process completes, click on OK button

What Our Clients Says About NSF to Word Converter.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, to convert NSF file successfully to Word document is necessary to have Lotus Notes environment on the system.

No, while Lotus Notes to MS Word Converter the software does not impose any file size limitation. A user can export any size NSF file without any issue.

No, a user can export any number of NSF file to DOC file format using this NSF to Word Converter.